Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Huntsman almost cleaned it up...


Former Republican candidate Jon Huntsman took a battle axe to his own party, comparing it to China's Communist Party and criticizing its standard bearer in a wide-ranging interview at the 92nd Street Y Sunday night.

Huntsman, the former Utah governor and once President Barack Obama's Ambassador to China, expressed disappointment that the Republican Party disinvited him from a Florida fundraiser in March after he publicly called for a third party.

"This is what they do in China on party matters, they punish you, if you talk off script," he said.

He got that right, of course, but Huntsman is now saying BuzzFeed "took it out of context" as if someone from Repug higher-higher subsequently had a moment of prayer with him about his political future. The line is verbatim but notice how it ends with a comma. Rachel Maddow played the whole comment last night (I can't find it) and the next three words are "but not here".

You can hear the comma as if he realized right there that he had waffle-stomped his weenie and tried to clean it up.

As any married man can attest, getting yourself outta trouble in the very same sentence you got yourself into trouble in the first place is a painfully learned ART. Heh. Nice try, Jon.


  1. Aww, I almost had some respect for him...

  2. Me too. Almost. He's the only one that wouldn't go all the way along with the batcrappery and it forced him out. Good. I was worried that he would make too good a candidate.
