Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More cutting and screwing ...

Got the 3rd section of the deck built today while keeping an eye on the weather satellite. Back after I clean up my mess and shower ...


  1. Looks good! Are you going to seal it?

  2. Yeah, as soon as the Mrs. decides on a color.

  3. Yeah, ya wouldn't wanta get that wrong! My defense is usually "but it was on sale!". It never works.

  4. When you said "cutting and screwing", I thought you were talking about Republican legislators -- what they do to the budget for women, children, and the elderly, and what they do to their Rentboy.com rentboys. Their head is as wooden as your deck, but I guess your deck is probably better to talk about... at least, keeps my blood pressure down a bit :).

    - Badtux the Misreading Penguin
