Thursday, April 5, 2012

Speaking of ...

American Taliban, Sheriff Joe is whining because the Feds want to look over his shoulder. It'd be nice if the Feds went one step further and indicted him for turning a county of an American state into his own private gulag.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio — who previously claimed he was cooperating with the Justice Department in an attempt to settle allegations that he violated the civil rights of Latinos in his jurisdiction — told Fox News on Wednesday that he’ll “be glad to meet them in court.”

DOJ cut off negotiations with Arpaio Tuesday saying he had refused to let an independent monitor be a part of any settlement agreement.


Wah-wah-wah. Why is it the Republicans think they should be allowed to exercise their authority with impunity? Big tough "law and order" guys as long as they don't have to follow any laws themselves. Those are for everybody else but them. Did you ever notice that when someone points out they've run roughshod over the legal system and Americans' rights, they whine like a bunch of crybabies? The Republicans are not tough. They are a bunch of cowardly bastids who want everything their way and to be exempt from the responsibilities we all have to our society.


  1. I think Sheriff Joe should have a nice federally mandated strip search, before he or anyone like him gets MORE ideas to act like a certain "Uncle" Joe.

  2. Why are Repubs like this? It's the "bully mentality". They like kicking people around because it makes them feel big and tough, but when someone pushes back, they sit down and cry about how they're being picked on...

  3. They're absolutely bullies and the only way to deal with a bully is to lay him out and repeat as necessary.
