Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Under the gun ...

Well, the deck footings came this morning and the lumber is coming Friday. In that time, I have to move a ton of Hostas and knock down a cement wall. Pics to follow ...

And, of course, I forgot to bring the shit sample for the vet when I brought Da Chooch in for shots this morning. Thankfully, I don't have to make a special run back because her little sister has to go for her shots tomorrow.


A pallet and a half of footings. I'm gonna look like the Incredible Hulk by the time I'm done. They weigh 50 lbs. each.

My dad built this wall when he built the patio 45 years ago. The deck will extend 14 feet past it so it's gotta go. The Hostas in front of the wall have been relocated elsewhere in the yard.

The reason I'm doing this in the first place. When dad built the patio, he left a hole in the middle where mom could plant flowers. I don't know which one got the bright idea to plant a Sycamore tree in the middle of it (it was the diameter of a baseball bat when they planted it) but 45 years later, it heaved the patio out of the ground. At this point, it's essentially useless and when we entertain, I set up tables out in the grass.

Of course, the appropriate supervisory personnel will be in attendance. Heh ...

Update Zwei:

Done for the day and tired. Chelsea is playing Benfica in the Champions League and I'm relaxing. See:

I carried that back from Amsterdam in my hand luggage, btw. Heh ...


  1. You have your work cut out for you! SMOKIN' bong!

  2. SMOKIN' bong!

    Yeah, I hadda have it when I saw it. I brought it home clean and we came back to the US aboard Queen Mary 2 a couple years ago. I wouldn't have bought it if I had to fly home. When we go to Amsterdam and float back, I buy a little glass pipe to use aboard ship (it's the only time I get to buy hash) and throw it overboard before we get back to the US.
