Wednesday, May 30, 2012

All seriousness aside...

When two men on either end of the seriousness spectrum come up with essentially the same cockamamie idea on the same day, perhaps they're onto something!

Andy Borowitz:

Trump Could Help Romney Win Elusive Billionaire Asshole Vote

Reportedly, the top .00001% wealthiest Americans have regarded Mr. Romney with suspicion to date, wondering, in the words of one billionaire, "if he's really one of us."

"It's a bit of a reach for us billionaires to vote for someone like Romney, who just has a couple of hundred million in the bank," said Grayson Rance, a billionaire who has so far viewed the former Massachusetts governor warily. "But if a bona fide billionaire asshat like Trump is for him, that makes you give the guy a second chance."

Speaking on CNN's "Situation Room," Mr. Trump told host Wolf Blitzer his reason for endorsing Mr. Romney: "After four years of a President who was born overseas, its time for a President who was born here and sends his money overseas."

As for Mr. Romney, he experienced a rare emotional moment on Memorial Day, placing a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Banker.

Robert Reich:

Trump, like Romney, represents almost everything that's wrong with the American economy today — an unprecedented amount of wealth and power at the very top, widespread insecurity and declining real wages for everyone else, and a form of casino capitalism that places huge bets with other peoples' money and depends on everyone else to bail it out when the bets turn sour.

But wait a minute. Perhaps Romney's handlers are smarter than they seem. Maybe Mitt has decided to let it all hang out. Rather than try to hide what's obvious to everyone, the new strategy is to make Romney's liabilities into assets by flaunting them. Be even bigger and bolder. Money rules!

So they figure Mitt's choice of Trump as running mate will allow Mitt to celebrate his boundless capacity to make money, the "I've got mine and the hell with you" financiers and CEOs he represents, and the social Darwinism that he and the regressive right are convinced will be good for America.

The new bumper-sticker: ROMNEY-TRUMP IN 2012. YOU'RE FIRED!

Or maybe they just went out drinking together or got some brown acid outta the same batch. Either way, I'm glad to see Bobby Reich having some fun.

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