Monday, May 14, 2012

Cleaned out ...

Got the last of the stuff out of dad-in-law's house this weekend and the last load of clothing donations delivered. Getting it ready for an estate sale for everything else and then it'll go on the market. Anybody wanna buy a house in Levittown/North Wantagh, Long Island? Heh ...

And this is what I did yesterday afternoon. I got a TV app for the laptop so I can watch football (soccer) outside now!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. If a man's home is his castle, what part of the castle is the patio? Whatever it is, you do good work, long may you enjoy it.

  3. Dang. And I thought we knew decks out here in Kah-lee-foh-neah, where our weather is deck-friendly most of the year, instead of during the three months of merely chilly (rather than bone-crushingly cold) weather you folks on Lawn Guy Land get. But that there is a *righteous* deck, yessiree!

    - Badtux the Decked Penguin
