Sunday, May 27, 2012

Conversations ...

How it goes in Chez Fixer:

The Mrs. and I are sitting in my office. She's doing something on the computer, I'm in the easy chair, playing with the dogs and watching TV. A commercial for Compound W "wart-freezer-offer" comes on.

Me: "Does that shit really work?"

Mrs. F: "It would seem so."

Me: "I wonder what would happen if I put it on my dick?"

Mrs. F: "Only you ..."

Heh ...


  1. Didja try it? Getcher unit froze solid and smack it on the countertop and watch the pieces fly? The dogs musta loved it! Are ya called "Stumpy" now?

    Mrs. F is right as usual. Only you...

    There's three kinds of -verts: PREverts, PERverts, and PROverts. Your comment places you solidly in the top category! Not that there was ever any doubt.

    As usual, I'm proud to be associated with you!

  2. Didja try it?

    Are you kidding? If the Mrs. had to take me to the hospital after a "hold my beer and watch this" moment, she'd cut off what was left when we got home. Heh ...

  3. Being of a culturally thrifty background, she'da probly cut it off before she took you to the ER to only have to make one trip and save on gas. Heh.
