Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Daily Show Imagines Bush’s “I Killed Bin Laden” Ad

In case you missed it. Via TPM:

Jon Stewart has a message for Republicans railing against President Obama’s campaign ad touting the killing of Osama bin Laden: “Wah.”

Yeah, the ad is kind of “shitty,” Stewart said on Tuesday. “A bit of a cheap shot. The only reason you’re pissed is you didn’t get to run it. Let’s face it: if Bin Laden had been killed on Bush’s watch, this would have been the ad you’re running with.”

Watch the rip-roaring ad:


  1. I was, like, "meh" about the ad when I first saw it on the O's Yoo Toob. Until the Republicans started soiling their collective tighty whities while having the vapors about it. Anything that gets so many tighty whities' teeny weenies in a knot can't be all that bad ;).

    - Badtux the Easily Amused Penguin

  2. Work them righties like a redheaded stepchild!

  3. Anything that gets so many tighty whities' teeny weenies in a knot can't be all that bad ;).

    And it's entertaining as hell.
