Friday, May 18, 2012

Figures ...

Dickface can't remember who he told what.

Pic stolen from Ari Melber.


  1. Much easier to keep the truth straight than remember which lie you told when and to whom. Willard wouldn't know about that but he's finding out a lie in public gets more coverage than lies in the boardroom. Probably doesn't care.

  2. Much easier to keep the truth straight than remember which lie you told when and to whom.

    Learned that a long time ago. I tell the truth at all times, except for exigent circumstances, such as replying to a woman's question about the size of her rear end.

  3. Great minds think alike Fixer, I posted the same thing last night with a video except I went quite a bit farther, you know, a typical Ornery Bastard rant. It wasn't half bad either.

  4. ...replying to a woman's question about the size of her rear end

    That's the self-preservation instinct kickin' in!
