Monday, May 21, 2012

Green Rush

From Rock Center, text and more videos, or just watch and wait for them to come up.

New word: "Cannasseur". Heh.

Marijuana grows openly in California towns as traffickers hide behind laws, police say

Gee, they say that like it's a bad thing...

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I've been for decriminalization or legalization for almost fifty years. It's closer now than ever, but "we're getting so much resistance from behind" to quote an old song. It will come, and I hope I'm here to see the day. If all it changes is no longer making criminals out of citizens over their choice of buzz, it will have been worth the fight.

Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!


  1. When I was a teenager I expected to be able to buy a pack of dope at the grocery store by now. I'm 53.

  2. The day is coming, but we're going to have to drag Obama kicking and screaming to his desk to sign the order taking weed out of Schedule One. Too many local gendarmes get a sizable chunk of their budget from taking down stoners. They won't give up that payday easily.

    Most of the video was produced from the lawman's point of view. They tried like hell to trivialize the MMJ industry with scenes of the boardwalk and all the closet drs. giving out 'green' cards but the truth is bigger than that. They note that a dispensary is near a school. OMFG! But look how many stores in the same area sell liquor and cigarettes.

    People are starting to come around. Everyone seems to know a friend or have a relative that's benefiting from medical cannabis. Take a trip through YouTube and you'll find a bevy of 'cannaseurs' sampling different strains and posting their reviews.

    Makes me want to give up the 9 to 5 and take up farming. Again.

  3. Threw a handful of seeds on the compost next to my dog shit recycler. If what the girls put out doesn't kill them, it should be an interesting smoke. Heh ...

  4. merlallen - you could buy dope out the drive-through window at our local Burger King for a while. It's a rotisserie BBQ joint now. Heh. The day will come.

    There's a TV show called "Wild Justice" about California Fish & Game wardens. Last night they went all Rambo and busted a big illegal grow out in the woods. There was nobody there to bust, but they put the plants' roots in the sun and destroyed the crop. They also dismantled a diversion dam the growers made to impound a stream for water and which dumped fertilizer and pesticide into the environment. I was kinda down wid dat. Better to have the grows where they don't disrupt the ecology, out in the open thumbing their nose at the cops.

  5. really Gordon? you're in California, right? We have medical pot stores in Kent, WA. That is the best shit I have ever smoked in my life. I wonder if the VA would write me a scrip, do you guys know?

  6. Give it a try! I asked my doc for one and he he said he didn't want to get in a federal mess.

  7. I wonder just how many of those "kids" who are dangerously exposed to the proximity of weed are also near tobacco farms. If "they" would just regulate it, instead of idiotic efforts to eradicate it, it would be in the same category as cigarettes and alcohol as far as problems go. It would probably diminish both of those problems even as it replaced them. A zero sum game if you will except that suddenly there is no law enforcement cost for helicopters and rural trained deputies.
