Monday, May 21, 2012

I'd say ...

The Squids have better things to do, and spend money on, but that's just me.

The Navy is planning to conduct breathanalyis tests on everyone reporting aboard ship for duty. Each and every frakking duty day.


I wonder what they're gonna do when the Captain or XO crawl aboard shitfaced*?

*Glad they don't do this on cruise ships. They'd never let me back aboard. Heh ...


  1. That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. Officers will probably be exempt. Gentlemen, you know. Heh. I saw my company commander get carried aboard slung between two more junior officers once.

  2. Maybe they are checking to see if someone is sufficiently under the influence to serve on the LCS class rustables.

  3. Montag - Thanks for explaining to me. It makes perfect sense now. ;)

  4. are you sure that's not the Onion? hell on shore leave 98% of us got shit faced including the skipper. He sat and drank us under the table in Bahrain.

  5. Hell, let's start with that right at the top: Congress. It's the only explanation for the kind of batshit stuff they do these days....

  6. The Navy brass have never needed much help to do batshit stuff.

  7. This is what happens when the officer corps gets stacked with evangelicals who think smoking is a sin, premarital sex is a sin, drinking booze is a sin, hell, probably even think sex, period, is a sin. Wouldn't surprise me if next step was to require a jizz sample to come aboard so they can do a sperm count to determine whether you were having sex while on liberty. Yeesh.

    - Badtux the Disgusted (and disgusting?) Penguin
