Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I'm surprised ...

They didn't ban mixed race marriages while they were at it.

Marriage between a man and a woman will now be the only legally recognized domestic union in North Carolina after voters Tuesday overwhelmingly passed Amendment One, a change to the state’s constitution that could take effect as early as next week. North Carolina now becomes the 30th state to adopt a same-sex marriage ban.




  1. All is not lost in backward NC. It's still OK to marry your cousin.

  2. Well, that old saw about South Carolina--"Too small for a republic, too large for an insane asylum"--really should apply to NORTH Carolina these days...

  3. gentlemen,my family has been in the carolinas for hundreds of years.
    and today,for the first time,i'm embarrassed.
    assholes is to mild a term.

