Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Karma ...

Thy name is "Internet". Maybe the stupid cracker asshole (George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Carolina) should learn how the intarwebs work before calling people names:


Misunderstanding how the Twitter works, George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina seemed to think he was using his “inside voice” when speaking (twatting) to Ms. Fluke on Twitter only to find out, in a very round-about way, that she elected to retweet to her 36,000 followers what George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina had to say to her and she only did this because she is obviously racist against douchebags who like to shout stuff at ladies on the internet because, as we like to say: virtual manhood is better than no manhood at all.

Anyway, that is where I came in when I screen-capped the whole exchange and made a post out of it, which brings us to last week when George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina decided to google himself on the internet and OH HOLY SHIT! he is now kind of semi-famous for Doing Internet Swears At Ladies and now all that money he spent on eHarmony is just fucking wasted because ladies will not want to go on a date with him ever ever again besides the fact that all he ever wants to talk about is golf which is like the third gayest sport ever. Besides, also: boring.


And just like a good "personal responsibility" Republican, he's trying to sue TBogg. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Just a note: People have threatened to sue us here at the Brain several times over the past 8 years. Believe me, if there is anything I know about it's our First Amendment rights and the ins and outs of the Fair Use laws. This idiot can try, wasting a lot of money in the process, but he won't get anywhere. If, at this point in time, you are not aware the Internet is nothing more than a big public tape recorder, you might want to stay off your computer.


Heh ... Google it.

Update Zwei:



This whole thing is really really funny in an obnoxious-clown-being-hit-by-a-pie-shaped-meteor kind of way, but to me the most delectable detail is Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina's instant and absolutely predictable litigiousness.



  1. You've never told me that people have threatened to sue us! Over what? Calling people names? We've done that. Telling the truth? We've done that too. I think I'm proud of us!

    Has anybody we've "injured" ever offered us to fistfight? I'd be down wid dat! Knowing that they're pretty much blowhards, liars, and chickenshits, probably not.

  2. And to quote one of those yingyangs, "I can't remember what I said, but I'll stand by it!" Heh.

  3. Yeah, about 4 or 5 times, mostly over Fair Use of content. It's one of the reasons (the main one is protecting our credibility) I don't take advertising here, so no one can say we're making money off anyone else's stuff. Nothing ever came of them after I received their notice and gave my reply.

  4. And no, none have yet offered to "settle it on the field". Heh ...

  5. I guess "lawyer letters" are their weapon of choice. Thanks for the toilet paper!

  6. I aint tryin to tell yall how to do yer bizness but you did not even mention Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina in your comments. Of course, if you want Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina to send you some of that toilet paper you seem to love, you will have to mention his name, Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina, so that he can find you when he figures out how the Google works. I'll bet that his fellow sheetclad church goers are extra proud of their affiliation with Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina. Yep, Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina must make them all feel good about being white, male and by Gawd, Amur'kkkan.

  7. Pah! We pee on the shoes of Mr. George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina!

  8. CAFKIA, you'll be OK if you follow this advice:

    Follow the drinkin' gourd.
    An old man will be waiting there
    To take your ass to freedom!

    Me if necessary.
