Friday, May 25, 2012

Puffin' it up ...

With Barry:

A User's Guide To Smoking Pot With Barack Obama

Barry was quite the accomplished marijuana enthusiast back in high school and college. Excerpts from David Maraniss' Barack Obama: The Story dealing with the elaborate drug culture surrounding the president when he attended Punahou School in Honolulu and Occidental College in Los Angeles. He inhaled. A lot.


Heh ... Now legalize it, Hawaii boy.


  1. If Barry is lookin for the Cheeb, he should send Joe out here and I'll serve him some of my fave. (have to get a card first, Potus!)

    That gov't crap comes out of Mississippi and ain't worth givin' away. (That said, you can always get top dollar from a Republican. They wouldn't know good stash from lawn clippings, heh!)

  2. Barry and Michelle are always welcome here. I'll twist a bunch up and the Mrs. will cook for us. I'll even get hookers and booze for the Secret Service guys. ;)

  3. The O-Man ain't gonna do much that's controversial in that way until after the election.

  4. I hear ya, Gordon.

    My cynicism says that Obama, even if reelected, will be the same wet noodle. I don't expect much.

    But in my heart, I want to see Obama take the stage the day after his inauguration, smile into the camera, thank the American people then proceed to buttfuck the Republican party.

    A man can dream, can't he?
