Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wir sind Grüne ...

These new developments in Germany are impressive. They are now generating as much energy as 20 nuclear power plants, though without all of the downside side effects of nuclear energy. Remember that for years, many in the anti-change camp have insisted that the green energy sources could never provide enough energy.


My message to all the doubters: shut the fuck up. We put a man on the fucking Moon, we can sure as hell find an alternative to dirty fuels.

1 comment:

  1. on one of the sunny, windy days, the plants meet 50% of goal power.
    Okay, like in the midwest. the power is not needed generally in the early season, when pollen and mold are blowing. The geenerated energy must be available in the middle of summer when the winds are generally less then 5 mph, lower then the 7 mph, needed to generate a starting current for the regulation mechanisms. Or the the days in the middle of winter, when the snow is a foot thick and still falling, blocking the solar collectors, or the blizzard has passed and the winds are now at a standstill, but the temps are dropping like a stone.
