Friday, June 22, 2012

May your wishes come true ...

Via our dear friend opti, from the Organization for Educating Misinformed Tea Party Patriots, something to give every Jesus freak a stroke:


Grung_e_Gene said...

Well, they say "prayer" but when they get down to making the laws about it, it'll be very specifically christian.

and depending on the region may even specifiy what christian sect prayers are acceptable.

David Aquarius said...

Geez, get it right!

She forgot the four candles, a white quartz crystal and a wand made from a yew tree.

No self-respecting demon would answer that call.

Now, if she were a little boy, all she would have to do is go to confession at a Catholic church.

Gordon said...

Santeria in schools! Yea! Oh, and there's chicken in the cafeteria...