Thursday, July 26, 2012

Cruise News You Can Use

The cruise me'n Fixer have been wanting to take.

We could sign on as instructors on that one. Unlike those guys, we can hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle. Heh.

I think that's a Russian 12.7 machine gun. Who but the Russkies would put a shoulder stock on a heavy machine gun?

And now, some squids who know what they're doing. The Royal Navy with some ear candy. Call it "the sound of men working on the chain gun". Gives me goose bumps! Click here to see the "embedding disabled" Reuters version with commentary.

Slow days are fun. :-)


  1. Round up the boys, mate. We're goin' pirate huntin'!

  2. Gordon, IIRC the 20mm naval mounts in WW II had two shoulder stocks as part of the gunners harness. The preferred gunners were the Marine members of the ships complement.

  3. Also the cyclic rate of the Oerlikon was 450 rounds per minute. About the same as an M-2.

  4. The Seagoing Bellhops sometimes manned a 5-inch gun as well, depending on the ship.
