Thursday, July 26, 2012

Crybabies ...

Wah-wah-wah; if we can't repeal Obamacare, we'll defund it. Fuck them sick people, and everyone else:

In the letter dated July 18, more than 100 GOP lawmakers asked House Speaker John Boehner (OH) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (VA) to stop “any legislation” from coming to the floor that would fund the implementation of the Affordable Care Act — potentially leading to a government shutdown. Congress must pass a funding measure before October 1 to keep the government running, yet a majority of Republicans are willing to risk a shutdown in order to take away coverage from more than 30 million Americans and increase the deficit by more than 100 billion.


These people are the embodiment of the term "motherfuckers".


  1. Somebody needs to throw a dungaree liberty on those assholes.

  2. Time to send 'em all to Gitmo.

  3. You came to the wrong place to preach that horseshit. Fuck off.
