Monday, July 30, 2012

So ...

That narcissistic, self-important, nosy busybody Mayor Bloomberg says the jack up black folks, brown folks, and Asian teenagers "Stop and Frisk" policy is in place to keep guns off the streets of NYC. If this is so, how come we've had a rash of shootings here in the past month? This is the latest one, last night.

A Brooklyn neighborhood is shaken today after six people—including a two-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy—were shot in a drive-by shooting yesterday at 7 p.m. While police are trying to determine what sparked the violence, WABC 7 reports that some community leaders think it was gang members trying to settle a score.


Close to a million New Yorkers are jacked up by the NYPD every year for doing nothing more than walking down the sidewalk. A baby and a 14 year old boy were killed last week. An 18 year old girl was killed the week before. "Stop and Frisk" isn't working and the only thing it is doing is creating a bigger rift between the community and the cops. It is racist and most of the stops, if they do end up in an arrest, are for possession of small amounts of marijuana. Not many gun busts. I can't wait until that little bastard is out of Gracie Mansion.


  1. Frisco's Mayor Lee wants to do the "stop & frisk" too. In the arguably most liberal city in the country. Musta been talking to Bloomberg. It's still up in the air.

  2. Hello Fixer,

    He is going to do something to make him self the "Mayor for Life Plus"!
