Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Limeys Have Wingtards Too

The Guardian, UK.

David Cameron will face pressure to remove the Tory whip from the Conservative MP Aidan Burley after he tweeted that the Olympics opening ceremony was "multicultural crap".

Burley, who was sacked as a ministerial aide last year after he took part in a Nazi-themed stag party in the French Alps, described Danny Boyle's work as "the most leftie opening ceremony I have ever seen".

In his first tweet Burley wrote: "The most leftie opening ceremony I have ever seen – more than Beijing, the capital of a communist state! Welfare tribute next?"

A minute later Burley tweeted: "Thank God the athletes have arrived! Now we can move on from leftie multicultural crap. Bring back red arrows, Shakespeare and the Stones!"

And motorbikes that leak oil and won't start when it rains. Might as well paint their faces blue and live in caves as well. Their wingnuts are just like ours with a posh accent. Heh.


  1. Yeah, that guy must listen to Limbaugh. I know a lot of Englishmen and they all love the National Health Service, even the Tories. As for the 'multi-culturalism', everybody in northern Europe has problems with anybody south of Austria moving up to their parts. The wingnuts have demonized it the same way they've done with the Meskins here.

  2. I think their all-but-the-batshite-craziest are a little to the left of ours. Right-wing commies if you will, aka "confused". Heh.
