Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ah, the boom ...

Mitt Romney’s policy director Lanhee Chen claims that a new study showing 95% of Americans would see a tax hike under Romney’s tax reform plan is “biased” and fails to take into account the explosion of economic growth that will occur under Romney’s administration.


It's as magical as the Mittster's underwear. As soon as he's elected, there will be a miraculous economic boom that will allow us to not give a shit about how much more we have to pay to give him another tax cut. I might have been born at night, but not last night.


  1. Reminds me of the old cartoon with 2 scientists looking at a blackboard filled with equations and in the lower right corner, near the end, is written "and then a miracle occurs"

    The caption is "There's the problem"

  2. what is really f'd up is that there might be a boom if he is elected, there is a REMOTE possibility the "Republican Party" could decide to actually get some stuff done since they don't have to see an Obama whitehouse and also they might want to make Romney look good once in office. (Some of Obama's proposals were stuff the Republican's had suggested before Obama's election)

    NOT remotely sure they could get enough of the sticks out their ###es long enough to do it, but maybe. (Not worth the price even if they did...)
