Monday, August 20, 2012

FWFS ...

I've been remiss in this and it kills me but better late than never. About a week ago, I learned from our good friend CAFKIA that a good friend of this blog, author, blogger (Pen and Sword), officer and gentleman, Commander Jeff Huber (USN), passed away several months back. Our deepest condolences to his close friends, family, and 'brothers on the bridge'. Fair winds and following seas, sir. We salute you.


  1. That goes for me too. Sail on, sailor.

  2. You'n Fixer take care of yourselves, y'hear? Seems a lot of former military brethren who blog are turning up dead...

    - Badtux the Observant Penguin

  3. Eight bells sound.

    Fair winds, Commander.

  4. Oh dear, I hadn't been to his site in a while. Thanks for the update, and RIP Commander.

  5. I used to worry a lot that due to my lack of formal education, there was something I was missing, that there was an obvious and moral reason for things republicans do. (especially wrt the military) So in my early blogging days, I was a touch cautious. I even went as far as emailing a bit with the good commander, seeking his opinion or instruction. He was emphatic that I was on the right path and that my worries were unfounded. I got bolder and wrote more as a consequence.

    I hate it when the good guys go while demons of the reich-wing continue to spout their evil inanities. I don't want anyone to disengage but I think we all had better learn to appreciate and enjoy that which is enjoyable. I do not want anger at morons to be the only thing I can remember in my last couple of minutes "here".

    FWFS indeed Commander.

  6. Yeh, Jeff and I talked back and forth when we were both writing our first novels. What do they say, "only the good die young"?

  7. Knew something was wrong - no posts at his site for a long while. I've been missing them and now I miss them more. His books are great.
    And I've got a sad for his passing.
