Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to spot completely miserable women

If it's Wednesday, it must be Morford on Repug women.

You can see it in the eyes. Vacant, sort of glassy, dark and distant as if staring into a cave full of nails from a thousand miles – and a million joyful lifetimes – away.

It moves on to the skin, pale and ill-fitting like a mannequin in a human costume, like it’s not the slightest bit comfortable in there, closing around a sallow tightness of the mouth and lips, maybe a severity of haircut, the sweater buttoned a bit too tight and the collar cutting circulation to the vital organs, but most especially and obviously, to the heart.

Do you see it? Do you see it, most frequently and with a tragic sigh, in the women of the GOP, from the senseless female candidates themselves (Hi, Ms. Bachmann!) to the sallow wives and disoriented daughters of the ultraconservative males who fear and detest everything real women represent?

I call 'em "pinch-faced, dried-up, miserable harridans". Liberal gals, of course, are HOT!

Then he starts in on Todd Akin's wife and daughters.

Is she truly proud of her man? Is part of her thinking, “Oh please, rape ain’t so bad, most of those hussies probably deserved it”? Is she thinking, “Dear God, what has become of my life?” Or is she thinking, maybe, with a hint of abject sadness, of the terrible icepick of fear and misogyny she and her husband have drilled into their six children, and particularly their daughters?

It is impossible not to extrapolate, not to interpret those expressions as a kind of numbed-out revulsion. It’s clear they’ve been forced to get on stage with their father as a show of family “solidarity,” as if to prove that not all women detest Todd Akin, that, when it comes to the GOP, even a mildly powerful white man can still force women to do his bidding, even after insulting and demeaning them so horribly he should be ashamed to speak to his daughters for a solid year.

Which of those girls, would you wager, will soon break away from this nightmare? Which one will grab the first opportunity to travel to San Francisco or maybe Paris or Tokyo and have her mind blown open by art and sex and love, wine and yoga and the madhouse kaleidoscopic offerings of the world? Which one will hence run screaming from the bitter shell of a life the Akins’ have forced them to live? Both? Let’s hope it’s both.

Hello, two young daughters of Todd Akin up there on that stage. I see you. We see you. And we here in the land of the messy and the free-spirited, the progressive and the open-souled, we hereby band together and offer up a prayer, a dirty, wonderful, wild, unfettered blessing to you. Ready?

It goes like this: We hereby hope you will soon find a away to escape, ignite your hearts and minds (and bodies), to blast it all wide open as you realize women are far more juicily, beautifully powerful than you’ve been taught, and that the world is not as small and terrifying as the Republican party would have you to believe.

That may be the worst thing about the Repugs. The fearmongering. It's bullshit but a useful tool. Keep the rubes scared of made-up stuff and tell 'em only you can save 'em. They're much easier to control that way.

The only thing I'm a little scared of is Repug rule.


  1. To the Repugs, fear is both a weapon and a drug.

    They've become addicted to the fear they can instill on the masses, the rush, the adrenaline spike that comes with lording over a room full of rubes, imbeciles and ignorant cloud worshipers. As these morons shiver and quake on every word coming from the podium, their vapid, ice cold soulless Repug masters, the rest of America looks on in wonder and disgust.

    Yet, the great crime, the heartbreaking truth of this is that many people (read: a good third of the populace) haven't been paying attention. They've been lulled into a waking coma that doesn't allow seeking out the real story. These media zombies are like crows, only noticing the shiny thing, the bauble or tin foil. Once reasonably intelligent people misdirected away from what they need to know toward what they need to ignore.

    Now that's something to be afraid of.

  2. A good punch in the nose would cure 'em all. Well, OK, maybe not, but it'd make me feel better.

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