Monday, August 13, 2012

I'd say he's eminently qualified ...

Uh huh. So even though Paul Ryan was against a casino project, a large contribution made him amenable enough to the deal that he called the Department of Indian Affairs and told them his constituents were in favor. And when the man who made the contribution was indicted, Ryan quickly announced he would donate the money to the local boys and girls club.


As the Mittster's VP pick, Ol' Dead Eyes is perfect. There's nothing he won't do if the price is right.

1 comment:

  1. Those women's voting rights in New York may have had something to do with Aaron Burr. As some of you may know, I am an American history buff. What many people don't know is what a great man Burr was. Most folks only know that he shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel (not on the cliffs of Weehauken, NJ, as has been written, but on a ledge above the river that was swept away many years ago in a storm, but which was, at the time of the duel, a popular place for duels, which were themselves illegal at the time but still practiced). They don't know he was a stalwart for gender equality or that he raised hi daughter to be a strong, intellectual, and independent woman. Or that he tried to create a new country of his own in the American southwest while still vice president under Jefferson. The effort failed, but it's fun to speculate what that state would have become (probably absorbed by the US as it absorbed Texas and most of the continent). I've hear some interesting discussions about whether what Burr did constituted treason, but I would argue that it did not as it merely followed Madison's notions from Federalist No. 10 about the means of ending the dangers of factions.
