Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Off his meds ...

Gotta be. Remember, during the primaries, when Rick Perry got all loopy at a campaign stop? That's what I think the reason for this is. Either that or they're gonna take away his GOP membership card in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

This is very significant. In fact, it's downright historic: The politician sticking his neck out to buck the NRA about states having the right to ban guns is... Rick Perry. This is a real "Nixon goes to China" moment, because a conservative Republican (from rootin', tootin' Texas, no less) carries a lot more weight with NRA supporters. It's a damned shame that neither presidential candidate has, to date, had that kind of political courage, but maybe Perry's statement will open the door to an adult discussion:


Either that or the NRA will have him killed.

1 comment:

  1. Perry just thinks everything should come down to "states rights". Paid for with federal money, of course.
