Monday, August 20, 2012

On Akin's Bugfuck Crazy "Legitimate Rape" Comment

The Rude Pundit, links at site.

So completely bugnuts cocktard Todd Akin, who really has been elected repeatedly to the House of Representatives by idiots in Missouri and really is the Republican candidate for Senate against incumbent Claire McCaskill, really winning a primary in Missouri, the "Show-You-How-Fucking-Dumb-We-Are" state, really said in an interview yesterday regarding pregnancy from rape, "First of all, from what I understand from doctors it is really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down." He also said that, even if the pussy's laser beam of justice misses and the woman gets pregnant, she should not be allowed to get an abortion.

When everyone picked their jaws off the floor, Akin's profoundly, demonstrably, scientifically wrong statement was met with a DefCon Katrina level of outrage. At what point is low too low? At a time that demanded true leadership, Mitt Romney's campaign's response was so milquetoast that Fire Island twinks would tell him to butch up. And, like a good little conservative spoogebucket, Akin didn't apologize for his beliefs. He merely said he "misspoke."

So it seems to leave us with a question: What the fuck did Akin mean to say?

1. "I meant to say that rape sperm is too angry to inseminate an egg."

2. "I meant to say that vaginas are like snapping turtles that will bite off a rapist's penis."

5. "By 'legitimate rape," I meant a rape that happens because of Obamacare, which is raping the future for our children...That probably didn't help, did it?"

Update: Apparently, Mitt Romney discovered that the wind was blowing in a safe enough direction, and his condemnation of Akin has become stronger.

Akin is probably one of those ignorant male dominionists who believe women "invite" rape by their dress, or maybe a smile, so that makes it OK.

Note to Missourians: Vote for this asshole and you deserve whatever you get. On the plus side, you'll be able to light the whole state from Harry Truman spinning in his grave.


  1. This man needs to be raped repeatedly with a jackhammer.

  2. Fix, what have you got against jackhammers? Protection first! Wrap that rascal in 60 grit sandpaper.

  3. Sorry for being so irresponsible. ;)

  4. I would consider that a "legitimate", even a "well deserved" rape. The 60-grit is a nice touch. :-)
