Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Piss me off ...

I'm really sick of everybody being offended by everything.

A high school principal in Oklahoma refused this week to turn over a straight-A student’s diploma because she used the word “hell” in her graduation speech.


Fuck him with the school's mascot, whatever that may be.


  1. The school's mascot is a devil. The school's principal is an utter ass.

  2. It's Oklahoma.

    The state was founded by people trying to get out west but couldn't figure out which end of the horse to hook up to the wagon.

    Reasonable people are outraged at the principal, but the knuckle brains are taking his side.

    If Darwin had lived in America, he would have put his research lab in Tulsa.

  3. Actually, Oklahoma as founded by people anxious for free land. The entire state is based on a bunch of people who were looking for a handout from the government and got it.

    The principle is just an idiot who is trying to show he can push some kid around one last time before she graduates. He may even be within his legal right to do so, but he is also an idiot who has made himself an idiot on a national scale. I suggest we all do our best to make his name, David Smith, the punchline to jokes, as in "So I said, "Get your head out of your David Smith". I think we should do our best to create a situation in which this minor functionary, with his martinet attitude, a national laughing stock, and thereby perhaps discourage others from behaving so idiotically.

  4. "Principal", not "principle". I have an English teacher who is spinning in her grave right now because I got that wrong. She was always a stickler for spelling "principal" correctly and the mnemonic device she used was "remember, the principal is your pal".

  5. I am the "principal" police, but just on principle. You beat me to the correction. :-)

  6. Their mascot is the Red Devil who lives in HECK!
