Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sacramento Hempfest 2012

This is going on right now. I couldn't snag the KCRA News video but you can see it here. Let's just say that many "215 cards" were issued. After careful evaluation, of course.

Here's some'a de entertainment, mon:

89.5fm OZCAT Radio at Sacramento Hempfest 2012
Sensi Dread & The Ganja Trees stopped by for a few Songs before his set on the Stage.

Thanks to Sensidreadband.


  1. Seattle's Hempfest is in two weeks. I plan on working the info booth. Expect to see over 250,000 stoners gathering on the waterfront.

    No fights, no drunks, no harsh mellows, just a quarter of a million people celebrating all things cannabis. Air quality is questionable but enjoyable. The police leave folks alone as long as you don't disrespect them (don't blow smoke into the nose of a mounted policeman's mount - bad thing)

    Lots of booths selling the latest and greatest in THC application.

    And boy, do they have some interesting things... you got to be kidding me

    If you're in the crowd, come by and say "High!"

    I hope to take pictures but I say that every year.

  2. This event for 2012 was a huge disappointment. Not just for me as a vendor but for others as well. Everything was very unorganized and chaotic. The turn out was expected to be close to 20,000 but was more like 5,000. People were charged 25$ just to get in and Vendors were charged an arm and a leg for a booth spot and none of us made back the money we spent on our booth spot because the attendance was soooooooo low. Promoters and vendors were packing up and leaving early on Sunday and you know its bad when Promoters leave an event early. I will never ever do this event again. The only good thing about this event was that there were some decent bands that played some kick ass music.....which I'm sure they barely got paid for.
