Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Suck it, bitchez

The Rude Pundit weighs in on Harry Reid finally & thankfully growing a pair and stirring the punchbowl with an outboard motor about Willard's tax dodges returns:

Politics is not an ethical game. Governing should be, but isn't. However, politics is a wallow in filth that'd make farm hogs say, "Whoa, save some shit-filled mud for the rest of us." For years, we on the left have had to sputter and suffer as Republican after Republican has lied willfully and consciously about the records and lives of Democrats. We have tut-tutted and demanded retractions and corrections. We have slapped our foreheads bloody as we've seen the lies become what many, many people believe is the truth, whether it's Dukakis being soft on crime or Clinton having Vince Foster killed or Gore saying things he simply never said or Swift-boating or birthering. Outrageous, easily proven lies, and we have been told to suck on them like they're a candy cane sticking out of the pants of Uncle Sam.

So you know what? What's good for the motherfuckin' goose is good for the motherfuckin' gander. How's it feel, conservatives, to be helpless in the face of both the allegation about Romney's taxes and your candidate's smug refusal to release any information that would disprove the allegation? Pretty sickening, isn't it? Hey, that candy cane actually tastes like cock when you have to put it in your own mouth.

And the pounding on your heads will stop when you take your teeth out. I thought their corporate masters would have already told them that.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that candy cane actually tastes like cock when you have to put it in your own mouth.

    I gotta remember that one.
