Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The stupid ...

It burns:

Wheaton College, a private Christian school in Illinois, wishes to be exempt from the Obama administration's newly-enacted birth control insurance mandate, like other religious-run schools and hospitals. But there's one problem: Wheaton doesn't qualify for the exemption, despite the fact that they're adamantly against emergency contraception and birth control and all the unbridled harlotry that proliferates in the presence of the two evil medicines. The reason they don't qualify? Turns out that before all this Obamacare business, the school was already covering emergency contraception. I believe the technical word for what just happened is "Derp."


I gather reading isn't in the curriculum?


  1. So...it's been OK for years but NOW it's gonna take away their "religious freedom" because Obama's plan calls for it? Oy gevult.
