Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Well-armed gay chickens for Jesus

After that title, you may shoot me. There is nothing more to see. Heh. If it's Wednesday it must be Morford on, well, well-armed gay chickens for Jesus. And climate change deniers. He's pissed and rightly so.

Welcome to the bizarre, reverso-world lessons of the NRA, the Christian right, Fox News, the God-fearing and the wildly paranoid. Behold, those who somehow believe, despite all evidence, history and common sense, that only guns prevent more guns. Only hate prevents hate. And only the latent, ongoing threat of violence prevents more violence. Call it “Jesus’ lost teaching.”

This is the way of the GOP and the Tea Party alike: Nothing short of comprehensive denial will work in the face of overwhelming facts pointing that global warming is here, is quite furious, is largely our fault.

Therefore, when teams of UN scientists march into U.S. congressional chambers with their elitist “PhDs” and their snobby “knowledge,” their “years of intense study” and their fancy “climate models” and plead that something must be done to help stave off the worst that’s heading our way, you have but one response: You spit on them and laugh.

Not a joke. Just happened. If you’re a dishwater-dumb GOP senator, if you’re a Tea Party ignoramus, you mock the intelligence of science and shoo the little PhD’s out of your committee, right past the millions of dead fish currently clogging our overheated rivers, past the scorched pastures and farmlands, over the amazing news that more than half of all U.S. counties nationwide have been declared natural disaster areas by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Perhaps it’s all a bit much? Perhaps you are in need of a bit of healing balm right about now, a small bite of irony to make it all better? Here you go:

Some of Chick-fil-A’s chickens are gay.

Much more. Go read.


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