Friday, September 21, 2012

If you plan to starve granny ...

You can't expect her to be happy about it, can you?

Masturbatory Randian poster boy Paul Ryan gets booed at the AARP:


The oldsters may bitch and moan, but they know what they get from Social Security and Medicare. As soon as they think you're gonna fuck with it, you're screwed, even if the current generation isn't affected. The 50-year olds don't wanna hear that they're gonna be the guinea pigs for this misbegotten experiment. Bush the Dumber learned that the hard way and so will the Mittster and the Granny-Starver.


  1. how many of the old people were thrown to the ground and dragged off?

  2. Fuckin' Ryan sure knows how to pick his spots, don't he? Idjit. And he's the big Repug thinker. Heh.
