Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Word ...

We are all the 47% in some form or another. A great essay by Jill:


I don't have consumer debt at the moment. I pay the mortgage on time. I've been married to the same man for twenty-six years. I have no police record. I've never been arrested. I don't litter, I donate to charity, I try to pay my main writer, and I'm nice to elderly people and small children. I pay a higher percentage of my income in taxes than Willard Rmoney does.

But in Willard Rmoney's world, I am a loser, a parasite, a "taker", not a "maker". Why? Because I'm going to vote for Barack Obama in November. It's not that I think he's done a spectacular job. Like many others, including some who write on this very blog, I'm bitterly disappointed by him. But he's about the best we've got, and the thought of a Republican-dominated government with an entitled, condescending jackass like Willard Rmoney is just too appalling and frightening to even contemplate.


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