Thursday, September 20, 2012

Yawn ...

Another foiled 'terrorist plot'. Thank god for the FBI because if it weren't for them, most of these plots wouldn't have gotten as far as they did. [/sarcasm]


But by the time the FBI’s fake car bomb was parked outside the Cactus Bar & Grill in Chicago on Friday night, only Adel Daoud, 18, was there to push the button on what he thought was a detonator. Only Daoud was under arrest.

So what happened to the second person, an unidentified male who Dauod referred to as his “sahaba,” an Arabic term meaning companion?

Federal court records reveal a leader at a local mosque played a vital role in convincing the second man to abandon his plans for jihad just weeks before the would-be attack.

Undercover FBI agents, meanwhile, continued to lean heavily on Daoud. The agents supplied him with almost everything he needed to plan the attack and told him they were relaying messages from a foreign sheik who wanted to know if he was truly prepared to carry it out.


Now, I'm all for the FBI and law enforcement doing what they can to keep Americans safe without trampling all over our rights (we've given up enough of them over the last decade as it is), but when does this bullshit become entrapment? Seriously, these guys they bust are too dumb to find their ass with both hands tied behind their back and, but for the help of the FBI, would probably, at best, would have blown their fingers off tying a thousand M-80s together with a long fuse. The Imam did more to "foil a terrorist plot" than the FBI did and it cost nothing. I wonder how many millions went into the feebs' op?


  1. The FBI is getting kinda infamous for pulling shit like that. There was an article in Rolling Stone a few weeks ago about another case. Their M.O. is pretty much find a kid at loose ends and set him up. They're good at it. It sucks.

  2. The joke back in the Bushevik regime when the FBI pulled this kinda crap was that the President's poll numbers must be down. But Obama's poll numbers are *up*. Say wha?

  3. Hello Fixer,

    According to the leadershit of the kountry (deliberately sic) any remaining right of the people is to be made null and void asap(s) what the people are). Remember Ben Franklin saying a Republic as long as you can keep it and those who give up a little freedom for a little security deserve neither. I'd say that Ben and a goodly number of the founding fathers are spinning in their graves.
