Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Horses and Bayonets

Obama's "horses and bayonets" comment made me feel old. Was he sayin' there's no more "Giddyap, Fleabiscuit!" with yer pigsticker attached to yer shootin' arn like when I was in the service? Sigh...

This is an oil painting of The Battle of Belleau Wood in 1918 depicting the use of the bayonet. The Jarheads had already eaten the horses. In this 3-week battle, the Marines took 10,000 casualties but they stopped the German advance on Paris. Nothing could stop Romney's advance on Paris however, as opposed to, say, Khe Sanh or Hue.

Wars aren't fought this way any more, and more's the pity. Marines loves us some bayonets and K-Bars. Up close and personal! In your face and in your belly.


  1. Latrine rumors in Vietnam said that some West Point graduate led a bayonet charge when there was plenty of ammunition left. The rumors, also, said the rank hungry bastard was fragged.

  2. I think I heard about that somewhere.

  3. There have been bayonet charges in recent history - particularly by the British, who apparently have done bayonet charges in the Falklands, Iraq and Afghanistan.
    E.g. in 2004 a platoon of Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in Basra ran low on ammunition, fixed bayonets and charged the 100+ Mahdi Army militiamen engaging them - none were killed with the bayonets but 35 were shot at close range as they fled (which is the way it's been since ancient times, normally the side with higher casualties has most of them inflicted while it's running away).

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