Saturday, November 10, 2012

"For Honor, For Country"

The Commandant and SgtMaj of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos and Sgt. Maj. Micheal P. Barrett, present the 2012 Marine Corps Birthday Message celebrating the 237th Anniversary of the USMC. Footage includes historical b-roll and images from Guadalcanal as well as interviews with WWII veterans, subject matter experts, active duty Marines and Marine spouses. Happy Birthday Marines! Semper Fi. The Marine Corps Birthday is November 10, 1775.

This video is from the Department of Defense and as such is in the public domain. Any copying, editing or reproduction is authorized and encouraged.

Notable quote: "We have the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor tattooed on our soul."

Yes, yes we do.

This is nice high-sounding stuff, but mostly we just like to kick ass.

Happy Birthday, Mom!


Here's the bullshit we really want you to believe. Heh. From some Marine-related Facebook page or other:

“Ten November 1775. I was born in a bomb crater. My mother was an M16 and my father was the devil. Each moment that I live is an additional threat upon your life. I eat concertina, piss napalm and I can shoot a round through a flea’s ass at three hundred meters. I travel the globe festering on anti-Americans everywhere I go for the love of mom, Chevrolet, baseball, and apple pie. I’m a grunt. I’m the dirty, nasty, stinky, sweaty, filthy, beautiful little son of a bitch that’s kept the wolf away from the door for over two-hundred and twenty-five years. I’m a United States Marine. We look like soldiers, talk like sailors, slap the shit out of both of ‘em. We stole the Eagle from the Air Force, the Rope from the Army, and the Anchor from the Navy. Warrior by day, lover by night, drunkard by choice, Marine by God. Semper Fidelis.”
-Anonymous Marine


  1. I like it, Gordon. It made me smile. Thanks for posting it.

    Jay in N.C.

  2. Sincere thanks, Gordon, and Happy Birthday to you and all your Brothers.
