Thursday, November 8, 2012

Steel Cage Death Match On Bullshit Mountain*!

Tom Friedman. Yes, that Tom Friedman.

The G.O.P. has lost two presidential elections in a row because it forced its candidate to run so far to the loony right to get through the primaries, dominated by its ultraconservative base, that he could not get close enough back to the center to carry the national election. It is not enough for Republicans to tell their Democratic colleagues in private — as some do — “I wish I could help you, but our base is crazy.” They need to have their own reformation. The center-right has got to have it out with the far-right, or it is going to be a minority party for a long time.
A long time would be fine. I was gonna say "leave the Speedos at home, boys" but that would be even worse...

*Reference here.


  1. I would agree with this, if almost half the country didn't go along with the nut jobs... wait for it, soon you'll be hearing that they need to work harder next time, not get rid of the nutjobs, because if the popular vote, and the number of rightwing congressmen elected is any indication, half this country is friggin nuts

  2. The nutjobs are calling the majority all kinds of names. I wish they'd walk into a biker bar and call the patrons assholes or something. Heh.
