Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Blessings 2012

Will Durst

To be perfectly honest, a four-day weekend devoted to food, family and football might be the perfect prescription distraction to help us through these rebuking times. So here's a couple rough examples of what a middle-aged, round-headed political comic counts as blessings over folded hands before performing a perfectly executed triple somersault into the gravy boat.

General David Petraeus: Who knew generals had groupies? Proves old high school adage: chicks dig stars. The larger the fruit salad, the more noxious the flies.

State of Florida: 12 years later, and they still can't count. Time to circumcise America. Cut Florida off and kick it into the Caribbean. Rename it North Cuba.

Michele Bachmann: Because every comedian needs a good right-wing nut job every now and then.
I think we have a right-wing nut job overload, but that's just me...

Many more.


  1. It is almost the season for someone to make "Twelve Days of Christmas" out of these loons.

  2. "Five loons a-leaping...and a Congressman in a restroom stall"


  3. Hello Gordon,

    My Spanish isn't that great but would Florida (Spanish name I believe) be called "Cuba del norte". It seems to be that way for the southern part of Florida already.
