Tuesday, December 18, 2012

GOP Leaders Finally Ready to Cave on Taxing the Rich

The Daily Beast

Like those Japanese soldiers holed up in caves on Pacific islands in 1945, the House Republicans don’t seem to grasp that the war over higher taxes on the rich is effectively over. This war ended, of course, with the election.
In case there's any doubt that I'm a little off, I had a hilarious visual of the House GOP sneaking out in the middle of the night in their underwear to steal food...


  1. I'm not as optimistic as you, Gordon. I figure the $250,000 will be pushed upward and Social Security and Medicare cuts will be the trade-off.

    If any of those bastards ever mentioned the 11 years of war perhaps contributing to the national debt their corrupt little pin heads would explode. Damn them all to hell (well, except for Bernie Sanders).

    Jay in N.C.

  2. I'm afraid we just have to wait and see. Sigh...
