Monday, December 17, 2012

Worse-Than-Unhelpful Headline of the Day

Tennessee pastor: Mass shootings because schools teach evolution and ‘how to be a homo’
I wish these ignorant god-squadders would STFU. I think that crap is worse than saying teachers should be armed in the classroom.


  1. Good luck on that STFU wish....but then again, it is falling star season, wish harder! They can't stop the stupid because of evolution....theirs seems stuck in reverse gear, however.

  2. Plain old knuckledraggin' True Believers in a myth.

  3. Let the mental midgets bleat. There are more than enough sane people left to deal with reality. The nonsense remarks are from insecure men with tiny penises who need their guns to feel like men. They're trying to hijack the discussion, to change the subject rather than let everyone look clear-eyed at the reality. They are failing. The debate on gun control was shot to death Friday morning in Newton, Connecticut. It died in a hail of gunfire along with six adults and twenty 6 and 7 year old children. Anyone who wants to argue for his gun rights can go make his arguments at the graves of those children. If they climb out of their graves to agree with him, his argument has merit. If not, he can bury his argument with them.

  4. Time to jerk their "tax-exempt" status. I'm tired of payin' for 'em.
