Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Even Better Headline of the Day

Rachel Maddow's Surge Is Fox News' Worst Ratings Nightmare

Every day, I thank God for making her gay. If she was straight I'd run away from home for her. That would not only ruin my home life but I'd be in the hoosegow for expressing my true love, known to the squares who run the system as "stalking".


  1. I don't know what it is about her but I agree with ya.
    I think it's her wicked sense of humor not to mention she is cuter than a bug's ear.

  2. I adore her....and I'm a straight old lady!!!

  3. You may add my name to the top of the list of guys she should call should some knock on the head or exposure to strong cosmic rays cause her to change her mind about her sexuality. I am seriously hot for her brain (and not in a zombie kind of way).

  4. She can 'splain stuff so us dummies get it, too.
