Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Four more years, oh thank God

If it's Wednesday it must be Morford being grateful. Here's just the last three ¶:

Which leads us straight to perhaps the largest gratitude offering of all. It is a kind of stunned, dizzy appreciation for the now-permanent truism the Obama era hath ushered in, once and for all and never to be repealed. Do you know it?

It goes thusly: When all the old, clenched white males are, en masse, apoplectic, when all the clammy, bloated representatives of the Old Guard could not be more full of hate and resentment for the polyphonic, multicolored direction of the nation, when it is very possible the seeds of calmly chaotic diversity and deep intelligence Obama has planted will bear fruit for decades to come, this is how you know. This is the kind of evolution you want.

Don’t worry, there is plenty of time to complain, find flaw, hold presidential feet to the fire. But let us, just for a moment, be glad those feet are his.
Amen and no shit.

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