Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The first rule of firearm safety...

...is never point a firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot. Heh.

Trinidad and Tobago security guard accidentally shoots off his penis

The wounded man was taken to San Fernando General Hospital where he remains under guard. Authorities ran a trace on him and found that he did not possess a license for the gun he was carrying. He faces charges of illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition.
Boy, that's adding insult to injury. Ha!

Unfortunately, these types of accidents are not uncommon. The Digital Journal listed reports of accidental gunshot wounds to the penis and testicles in Arizona and Washington state, as well as an incident from September in Port Lucie, Florida in which a man cleaning a newly purchased gun at a party shot himself in the genitals.
There's a buncha links in that paragraph.

I think the point here is, carry the damn thing in a holster that will direct an accidental discharge away from your body. Except for right-wing gun nuts. My advice to them is carry it in your waistband right behind your belt buckle loaded and unlocked.


  1. I bet someone could carve him a nice wood replacement.

  2. Sometimes guns make the tiny penises of gun nuts even tinier. That's the opposite of the compensation the gun nuts are seeking.

    I admit, I do own a gun. A friend gave it to me. It's a .25 caliber pocket gun and I have never fired it. Every now and then I take it out and lay with it, but i still can't disassemble it, even though I have followed the instructions. It hasn't been fired in over twenty-five years. If a burglar breaks in, I'm going to hit him in the head with it just so I can say I protected myself with a handgun.

  3. That's "play with it", not "lay with it". Cheez.

  4. I think "lay with it" is probably what gun nuts do with their guns, when not stroking them.

    There are a number of holsters that are designed to be tucked into the waistband for concealed carry. The biggest problem with them is that the little leather trigger protector, which is supposed to cover the trigger area to prevent accidental discharges, can get bent such that it instead catches the trigger as you are pushing the gun into the holster. If you put the gun into the holster *after* you tuck the holster into your belt, and it's one of those fashionable autopistols like the Glock that don't have a safety... heh.
