Saturday, January 5, 2013

The New Year is starting well

The Brain has been following this for a long time and I am pleased to report:

Tom DeLay Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison

The piece was misdated so I had to corroborate it elsewhere or I'd have posted it prior to now. Go read about how Hot Tub Tommy thinks he's being penalized for his "politics".

No, jackoff, you're being penalized for committing crimes. Oh yeah, your politics suck too.


  1. Shit! If he was being penalized for his politics he would have gotten 500 years at hard labor. There would be a team of doctors with no job but to keep him alive and able to do the suckiest jobs ever.

  2. Sweet!
    First we get rid of that sanctimonious prick Lieberman and now this.

    Happy New Year Gord!
