Sunday, February 10, 2013

Banging Head On Keyboard Headline of the Day

Fox News Claims Solar Won't Work in America Because It's Not Sunny Like Germany
The stupid, it burns...


  1. You'd be interested to know that since the adoption and wide spread usage of solar power in Germany, the Black Forest has be renamed the Sunshine, Lolipops, And Rainbows Everything that's wonderful is what I feel Forest.

  2. Please tell me you made that up (U.S. isn't sunny like Germany) as a joke!

    Jay in N.C.

  3. I have to disagree. That "news" segment was targeting stupid people but they (she) knew exactly what they(she) were(was) doing. Either she has natural gas stock to unload or, she is on the take from natural gas. That was her shilling for them pure and simple. She and the industry knows that their target audience will never look up the truth. They will make their stock purchasing decisions based on that misinformation and never question a thing.

    I wish I could believe this was just another case of FauxNews stupidity but no, this was the intentional and malicious spreading of misinformation to benefit the natural gas industry at the detriment of the clean power industry. In my opinion, this was criminal.
