Monday, February 18, 2013

Better-Late-Than-Never Headline of the Day

‘Lincoln’ inspires Mississippi to finally ratify amendment abolishing slavery
Actually, they ratified it in 1995 but never bothered to tell the federal government until now. 1995. Yeesh.


  1. Oh My Living Christ. I can't believe this crap.

  2. Mr.Bibeau, it's an honor to have you comment here. You're the latest best thing!

  3. Well... If Mississippi didn't ratify until 1995, I guess the Feds didn't care much one way or another when Ole Miss finally got around to it. This stuff is hard to believe; it sounds like it is straight off The Onion.

    Jay in N.C.

  4. Well... If Mississippi didn't ratify until 1995, I guess the Feds didn't care much one way or another when Ole Miss finally got around to it. This stuff is hard to believe; it sounds like it is straight off The Onion.

    Jay in N.C.
