Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Nancy Pelosi et al On Ted Nugent


The decision by Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) to invite controversial musician Ted Nugent to be his guest at Tuesday night's State of the Union address has become a bit of a distraction.

"I am more concerned about Steve Stockman being here than Ted Nugent," she said. "Ted Nugent will leave. Steve Stockman will still be here."

"I don’t think that highly of him at all," she said of the congressman. "He invited a guest. He has the right to do that. If a liberal had ever invited somebody to a State of the Union who had made the statements Ted Nugent made about cutting off our heads, and that he'd be 'dead or in jail' if the president got elected -- if a liberal or a progressive had ever invited somebody who had made those kind of comments to the State of the Union, can you just imagine? Can you just imagine?"
I believe Nancy knows full well that IOKIYAR.

"He has the right to invite the person and that is a statement about himself as much as it is about his guest," she added.

Pelosi is clearly not a fan of Stockman. Earlier in the interview, when discussing gun control, she noted that he was "eating out of a trash can" (my em. Heh.)before he won his first congressional election back in 1994.
Now he's feeding at the gravy train trough on our dime. Nancy had the good grace not to call the guy a despicable asshole, which grace I do not have.

The Nuge sat quietly and did not applaud or stand. I don't think he much liked being there, but his duty as a great patriot required his presence, I guess. Those pesky commie seating planners plopped him next to a gay civil rights activist from Oregon. Heh.

Following the President's speech, Nugent took to Twitter to assure his followers that he remained as headstrong as ever. "It deeply pains me to report that the prez is a master scam artist," Nugent wrote. "Didn't believe a word."

Then again, it's unclear if he was even paying attention.

According to Slate's Dave Weigel, the Nuge didn't stand up for anything the president said — not even "our brave men and women in uniform are coming home."
Yes, a great patriot. Fucker makes me wanta puke, but I ain't giving up my lunch for the likes of him.

Twitter's a good thing for him. It's QUIET.

From The Reverend Al:

The aging rocker called Rhode Island Rep. Jim Langevin ”s*#t for brains” for his comments that Nugent was an “odd choice for a member of Congress to invite someone who threatened the life of the President.”

He took on the president too, criticizing his “predicable, flowery, feel good, save the children, end world hunger insanity.”
Yeah, that's a bad thing in right-wing bizarro world. Yeesh.

When challenged by NBC news reporter Luke Russert over comments he made last year, comparing Democrats like Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton to coyotes who deserve to be shot, Nugent became agitated, cursing at Russert and calling him a liar in vulgar terms.

When Russert pressed him to explain what he said, Nugent repeatedly claimed he “never said that,” even though he can be seen on camera comparing those Democrats to coyotes who deserve to be shot and have their heads chopped off.
Damn if the Russert kid ain't got a pair! 'Bout fuckin' time, kid! Maybe there's hope for you yet! Maybe.

Here's something new:

Nugent became even more agitated when asked why he didn’t stand in acknowledgement “of the brave men and women of our armed forces” during the address. His response? “Both of my legs are shattered, I can’t get up and down because of the pain,” he said. “I’m actually forgoing a double knee replacement today to be here tonight.”

He then lumped Russert into the same category as Congressmen Langevin for even asking the question.

It’s not the first time Nugent has used a physical ailment as an excuse for his behavior. Last May he blew up at a CBS reporter after he insinuated the rocker wasn’t a moderate.

After the interview ended, Nugent’s wife urged him to apologize, and he justified his behavior by pointing out he was rushed to the hospital to treat a kidney stone after the outburst.
I'll file that info. Now I know right where to kick him and put a few quick sharp-knuckle rabbit punches. From one hardass rabbit. Heh.

Just a loudmouth no-class right-wing chickenhawk punk. Nothing new.


  1. I'd like to piss on Nugent's grave after he's dead, except that's a waste of good piss.

  2. I'd like to piss on him before he dies. He's used to it. Maybe not from outside his pants. The piss might go to waste but I can make more.

  3. Thanks for this post. Most of what I have read were just wondering whether the cameras were focusing on him during the SOTU.

    The man is a disgusting loser and actually the less attention the media pay to him the better (like that's actually going to happen).

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  5. Chicken Hawk Child Rapist Ted Nugent just had a load of shit in his pants which stopped him from standing.

  6. Even though I'm a firm advocate of our 2nd amendment rights. I too cannot stand Mr. Chickenhawk Nugent.
    He is proof that whackos exist on both sides of the isle.

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