Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The stupid, it burns...

Raw Story

Republican lawmakers in Tennessee sprung to action and demanded answers after confusing a mop sink recently installed in the state Capitol for a Muslim foot-washing sink.

Members of the state House and Senate contacted state Senate Clerk Russell Humphrey to ask if the floor-level sink had been installed outside the House chamber men’s restroom to accommodate Muslims’ ritual of washing their feet before prayer, according to The Associated Press (Nice photo of the sink - G).

Legislative Administration Director Connie Ridley assured the lawmakers in an email that “the facility administrator for the State Capitol Complex that the floor-level sink installed in the men’s restroom outside the House Chamber is for housekeeping use.”

“It is, in layman’s terms, a mop sink,” Ridley said.

“Tennessee, like the federal government, has a compelling state interest to protect our citizens from jihad terrorism,” Matheny said at the time.

That measure would have criminalized Muslim foot-washing rituals and dietary restrictions.
I will assume the legislation would have criminalized Jesus washing his disciples' feet as well. They could clean swabs in it while they're waiting for his return. Idiots.

Then again, maybe there aren't any real followers of Christ's teachings around there.


  1. Tennessee is where some typically brilliant legislator wanted the state to declare pi equal to 3. It's also where the Scopes Trial was held. It is called "The Cradle of the Civil War". If you look at a map, you'll see there are these two really sharp bends, horseshoe curves, actually, where the Mississippi River encounters Tennessee. I think what happens is that most of the stupid draining down the river is too dumb to negotiate the curves and winds up staying in Tennessee.

  2. Perhaps now you will believe me when I tell you we have the stupidest legislators in the nation. Sure, there are other places with really, seriously, stupid legislators but, when push comes to shove, we have the guys who will pull.

  3. It's a little hard for us room-temperature-plus I.Q'd folks to understand.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Of course, those in Tennessee would aggressively point out that Jesus would wash feet in a bowl, not a sink, because 'oh my goodness' ...but I diverge, the same 'Don't anybody dare be different or make me look or feel stupid' as ever continues to be the leading act there.

    I used to have some friends there who once told me, "Just don't ever ask for anything more intelligent than flakey biscuits and perfect catfish here, and all will be well."

  6. No maybe about it. These idiots would think Christ a hippie. And are they so overrun with Mooslums down there that this would even be a possibility? How do they not drown in the shower?
