Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I knew that...

Study: Belief in an angry God associated with variety of mental illnesses

People who believe in an angry, punishing God are much more likely to suffer from a variety of mental illnesses, a scientific study published in the April edition of Journal of Religion & Health finds.

In keeping with prior studies on this very subject, she queried the data on three types of believers: those who see God as angry, those who see God as neutral and those who see God as loving. Controlling specifically to weed out the non-believers, Silton found that a belief in a forgiving, loving God is associated with positive psychological traits, “almost protecting against psychopathology,” she told Raw Story.
No specific data on those whackos who believe in God in the first place. Probably have to define "God" to do that. Lotsa luck. Heh.

My personal definition of God is simply the wonder of the universe. My church is everywhere.


  1. Belief in a god is a form of mental illness.

  2. Sabe dat ...... but you also have one of the wonderful manifestations (if there is a God) "DOG."

  3. Do you pass around a collection plate? ;-)

  4. Heh. PTL = Pass The Loot. I collect on the 4th Wednesday of every month.

  5. That's funny, yesterday I was in a thrift store and came across a book (published by a religious press, of course) claiming that all great humanist/atheist/anyway not explicitly Godshoutah intellectuals were products of bad childhood experiences - abandonment, disease, etc. and co-morbid with depressions, substance abuse, you can fill in the rest.

    In short, the atheists are the crazy ones, not the Christians.
