Friday, April 26, 2013

What If Bush Had Done Nothing?

Charles Pierce via Kos.

The elite press is dedicating an entire day of coverage to the perpetuation of a monstrous public lie. Electing George W. Bush twice was a monumental act of democratic self-destruction from which the country has yet to recover. Celebrating him celebrating himself is simply to pour battery acid into the still-open wounds.
In order to take in the ginormous magnitude of Dubya's project to destroy the American Dream, ponder this simple question -- what if he'd done nothing? Follow me below the fold for this speculation...
It's a deep dive. Hold your breath...

What always struck me about Bush and his incompetent cronies is the activist nature of their "wreck everything quickly" administration. All Bush had to do was NOTHING to have a successful presidency. Everything he touched turned (immediately) to shit...and yet he couldn't wait to destroy more. Thank goodness the American people turned on him during the post 2004 "Wind At My Back" "Hand Social Security Over To Wall Street" debacle.

I'm convinced that someday, 50 years from now when historians are analyzing the moment that "broke the back" of the American dream, they'll focus on the Bush Administration -- specifically the catastrophic response to 9/11. Karl Rove's goal was always to repeal the New Deal, monkey-wrench the government to make it untenable, and hand the burning wreckage over to his billionaire pals who are greatly inconvenienced by all those middle class "entitlements", environmental protections and Union rights.

All he had to do was nothing. Instead, he almost wrecked everything.


  1. Last sentence:"...he almost wrecked everything." Which means he wrecked nothing. Also, I'm thinking Donna Brazile is glad he touched New Orleans after Katrina. You know Donna, proud democrat, Gore campaign manager. See her own words praising GWB.

    I'm sure after reading that you'll attack her as a Bush apologist and stooge.

  2. How's your new dog working out, Gordon?

    :) Jay in N.C.

  3. Hey Ghoulie,

    Isn't Iraq sufficiently wrecked for you?

  4. Hey anonymous. You think Iraq is worse off, ask a Kurd. Or an Iraqi National Soccer player. Ask the population how much fun they had under Hussein, not knowing whether they will be hauled off and tortured for some trumped up charge.

    Since Hussein's ouster, Iraq has signed the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, and basically dismantled their nuclear program.

    Yeah, it is a basket case, but a much smaller basket.

  5. Yeah, Ghoulie doesn't understand the meaning od "almost", it seems. The dusky maiden Brazile means norhing in the overall concept either.

    The dog is doing wonderfully, thank you for asking!

  6. Hey Ghoulie,

    Asking is how we learn.

    And while you're at it, ask how much fun they had under Bush and the coalition...

    and ask the American military...

    and ask the families of 4500 service personnel...

    and ask the taxpayers, on the hook for $3bil...

    But hey, how's that soccer player doing?

  7. Evidently Gordon doesn't understand the importance of sentence structure.
    If it had said he wrecked almost everything instead of he almost wrecked everything, he'd have a point but since it was not written that way, I stand by may statement.

    Anonymous-It wasn't "a soccer player," it was the team, tortured by Uday when things didn't go his way.

    The Iraqi people are more free and less subject to torture now than during Husseins reign. Ask your military friends that have served what the people think. Anyway, the war was not about making life better for Iraqis, it was about making the world safer for us and our allies.

    Never said all was hunky dory, but Hussein gone is good for us.

  8. See why I asked about the dog?

    Jay in NC (grinning uncontrollably)

    *Yep, IraQ was a threat to the U.S. I'm right much of a subscriber to "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" philosophy. Our foul up in Iraq strengthened Iran - whose govt really is our enemy.
